Joseph James Gelet, Sr.

Joseph Gelet is currently the Director of Private Markets for Venture Capital Cross, d/b/a R.F. Lafferty & Co.   He holds Series 7, 63, 3, 34, 24, and 30 licenses, and TN Real Estate Agent.  Technology designed, built, developed and operated by Macro Tech Titan, Inc.

Recent Achievements

August, 2023 – Published book on investing Investors Guide to LEGAL Insider Trading

July, 2023 – Published Udemy course on Private Markets – Crash Course on Private Markets, Venture Capital, and Private Equity

February, 2023 – Established a VC portal called Venture Capital Cross d/b/a of COVA Capital Partners, LLC

August, 2022 – TN Real Estate Agent license with TREF – Opened Real Estate blog

September, 2021 – Founded Currency Central, a firm offering Currency trading, payments, and (eventually) banking. is an Independent NFA Member Introducing Broker and Commodity Trading Advisor


Joseph James Gelet was born in Anaheim, California in 1980 and grew up bi-coastal, in Southern California and Boca Raton, Florida.  His interest in computers led him to electronic trading and algorithm development when there was no ‘program trading’ or algorithmic industry to speak of.  Joseph Gelet has been trading since 1996.  He began day-trading equities during this time and was always on the cutting edge of algorithmic electronic trading.  In 1999 Mr. Gelet began a quest to develop an intelligent trading system for the markets – but at that time algorithmic trading was heresy.  In 2002 Mr. Gelet founded Elite E Services in New Zealand, the first boutique Forex broker in the jurisdiction.  In 2006 Mr. Gelet became registered with the NFA as a Member CTA 373609 with a Series 3 designation, through Elite E Services USA – and for many years, managed client funds using algorithmic Forex systems.  EES was twice named top 10 CTA by Barclay Hedge, as well as receiving press from publishers such as Futures MagazineStocks & Commodities magazine, FX Magazine, and many others.  Mr. Gelet is a well read author, he has authored 2 books on the topic of Forex as well as countless articles both in leading print and online publications.  Mr. Gelet has been the Forex & IT consultant to many FCMs, FDMs, Banks, Hedge Funds, and Universities.

Do I know you?  Hit me up on Gab – it’s the only social media that I trust with personal/private data.

For business I’m on Linked In and Twitter.


Background on my personal evolution into Business / Finance.

I’m a trader & entrepreneur, and a technology guy.  Since I was young I was fascinated with technology, and wanted to be a scientist.  Specifically, I wanted to be an Oceanographer and Archeologist, and explore the Earth beneath the surface.  Growing up near NASA in South Florida and being exposed to the public Space Program, going to Space Camp, it was fascinating – but I felt the Oceans in Earth interior was less explored and more interesting.  Why are we going to Space, when we haven’t even mapped out cave systems or the Oceans, I thought.  As I grew up I realized that the world isn’t what we see on TV- a few events in my life changed my path, such as 911 and a couple meetings with scientists.

In the late 90s, I met a Russian scientist who developed anti-scratch, self-healing paint. It was nanotechnology, this was in the late 90s so it was very advanced for it’s time. He described it but I never saw it, he said that if you scratched the car over time it will not be noticeable. The paint was a composite that melded with the metal, to create a super composite with any hard surface it was used on, I didn’t fully see how it worked but it must have worked great because he cashed out big time. He sold his patents to a group of investors for something to the level of $10 Million USD which was huge money in the late 90s, this was a normal guy he didn’t work for a big corporation or something like that. The group of investors who bought the patents, he was told, represented the car business – this happened in Michigan. At the time, I was going to Northwood University which had a big automotive program, we joked that students got their PhD – Papa Has Dealership. As they were all leaving the closing meeting, he asked them “So is this going to change the world?” I’m paraphrasing, but this is what he told me. They said “No, we are going to make sure this never makes it to the market. Our job is to search the planet for people like you, with disruptive technology, and buy it, to ensure it never reaches the market.” Why, he asks? “It would ruin the market, think of all the body shops, painters, and other businesses who would be bankrupt with your technology out there!” – they said. “You have no idea how many people like you are out there in the world, we have a patent portfolio of thousands of groundbreaking, transformative technologies, kept in drawers… and not only for the automotive sector.”

So I realized that there isn’t a lack of technology on Earth, there’s actually abundant technology, but there’s a group of Monopolists that stifle technology, those Monopolists control the market.  Capitalism, innovation, is an illusion, a house of cards, there’s no free market, and there’s no need to develop anything when it’s all there being hidden.  Seeing stories like Nikola Tesla, I then decided to go into business and my life mission was to help unlock these hidden technologies, to support the global narrative raising our consciousness to a point where we would have access to these technologies and thus be able to achieve our higher selves.  There are thousands, perhaps millions of Nikola Tesla types out there, far smarter than me, who get abused, blocked, banned, etc. who need support and help growing their projects to fruition.  My approach to finance is ethical, and win-win.  When I was managing Forex Managed Accounts, we charged only performance fees which means if we don’t make money for you, you don’t pay.  Now in the VC business, buyers are happy to get exposure to companies developing disruptive paradigm shift technologies that can provide oversized returns on their investments, while sellers are happy to get a check and buy a house or do something useful – a total win-win.  For the financial industry to be sustainable we need to align ourselves with the real economy, and provide value that supports growth and prosperity.  There’s a lot of firms like that, it’s not a unique idea, however, there’s a lot more firms that are all about getting the money at any cost.  The problem with the greed approach is it doesn’t create value, it actually sucks value out of the system into the hands of the few.  “Greed is Good” is a Propaganda speech justifying the Capitalist to bleed you dry.  My personal mandate remains to support disruptive technology projects, or disruptive business models, talented individuals, and other economic actors that will create a parallel economy based on sustainable models, as we transition our planet into a new system via rapid Paradigm Shift.

10/18/2023 – This homepage is going to be updated significantly.  

Family Photo, Spring 2022